San Francisco Chapter of AACN

Support from SF AACN

Posted about 4 years ago by Amanda Morley

Dear fellow RNs,

During this trying time, we want to let you know that we are here to support you in any way we can. As bedside and clinical nurses, we are in the hospitals with you figuring out this situation day by day. We will be canceling all chapter events for April and May, but that does not mean that we are not going to be responsive to emails. If you need support, please email us at and we will do whatever we can to answer your questions, etc...

As you probably already know, NTI 2020 has been canceled. Registration fees will be refunded by April 6th. For more information, please look at AACN's website:

Kind regards,

The board of directors for the SF chapter of AACN


Alicia Catanese about 4 years ago

Thank you leadership team for being cognizant and supportive of the members of SFAACN. This is a critical, uncertain time in our world unprecedented before. But we stay being a light and service to the people, while building our resilience as nurses through it all. I thank you all for your service. If we are able to schedule a virtual meeting where our community can come together and support each other would be phenomenal to keep our spirits up and mentality intact. Sending Love + Light to you wonderful colleagues.

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